Keluarnya PES 2009 pada pertengahan taun 2008 merupakan salah satu hal yang paling ditunggu sobat-sobat pecinta game bola, tak terkecuali gw sdri...
pada awalnya sih gw suka banget tu ma tampilan PES 2009, bikin gw ngiler aja tuh..
Lumayanlah ada peningkatan dari game pendahulunya, PES 2008 terutama pada tampilan grafisnya. Tapi setelah nglembur maen beberapa hari terasa ada sesuatu yang aneh, usut punya usut eeeehhhh kebanyakan trik gw ga berjalan di game ni.. byk trik yang tombolnya di bolak-balik.
Cara maennya jg kayak PES 2006, jd team yg pnya speed ma body yang ampuh bakalan menang terus tuh... jadi g asik deh..
Tapi lumayan lah daripada maen kelereng d rumah.. dan yang penting PES 2009 g butuh spek kompi yg gedhe spt PES 2008 jd bwt kompi pas2an bisa nyoba...
Jumat, Juni 29, 2012
Sempurnakah PES 2009???
Diposting oleh Didi di 12.24 0 komentar
Sabtu, November 19, 2011
Trik Internet Gratis Opera Mini Handler Three ( 3 ) Indosat Telkomsel November 2011
- Untuk Three (3) bisa dilihat di Trik Internet Gratis Opera Mini Handler Three ( 3 ) November 2011 (Tested)
- Untuk Indosat (IM3/Mentari) bisa dilihat di Trik Internet Gratis Opera Mini Handler Indosat (IM3 / Mentari) November 2011
- Untuk Telkomsel (As/Simpati) bisa dilihat di Trik Internet Gratis Opera Mini Handler Telkomsel November 2011
Diposting oleh Didi di 15.59 0 komentar
Trik Internet Gratis Opera Mini Handler Indosat (IM3 / Mentari) November 2011
Trik Internet Gratis Opera Mini Handler Indosat (IM3 / Mentari) November 2011 kali ini pemirsa. silahkan dicoba. mohon diperhatikan settingannya.
Diposting oleh Didi di 15.58 0 komentar
Trik Internet Gratis Opera Mini Handler Telkomsel November 2011
Diposting oleh Didi di 15.57 0 komentar
Trik Internet Gratis Opera Mini Handler Three ( 3 ) November 2011 (Tested)
Diposting oleh Didi di 15.56 0 komentar
History of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
During the early years of manned flight, aviation was a free for all because no government body was in place to establish policies or regulate and enforce safety standards. Individuals were free to conduct flights and operate aircraft with no government oversight. Most of the early flights were conducted for sport. Aviation was expensive and became the playground of the wealthy. Since these early airplanes were small, many people doubted their commercial value. One group of individuals believed otherwise and they became the genesis for modern airline travel.P. E. Fansler,
Diposting oleh Didi di 15.55 0 komentar
History of Flight
From prehistoric times, humans have watched the flight of birds, longed to imitate them, but lacked the power to do so. Logic dictated that if the small muscles of birds can lift them into the air and sustain them, then the larger muscles of humans should be able to duplicate the feat. No one knew about the intricate mesh of muscles, sinew, heart, breathing system, and devices not unlike wing flaps, variable-camber and spoilers of the modern airplane that enabled a bird to fly. Still, thousands of years and countless lives were lost in attempts to fly like birds.
Diposting oleh Didi di 15.54 0 komentar